So the last two weeks of this month have been a little hectic. Last Monday I passed out while I was in the shower, yeah a little scary. Luckily, Mac was there to catch me so I didn't hit my head or anything. Apparently I was out cold for about 45 seconds and then took another minute or so to get reoriented. Of course I sobbed the whole time I was coming too. So we went to the doctor just to make sure everything was alright with the baby. Thankfully it was just fine. They said I probably just got too hot and was maybe a little dehydrated and my blood pressure dropped and down I went. That's story number one...
Before I go to story number two, some good news. Thanksgiving! It was a little weird not being with mine or Mac's family but we had good friends to spend it with. Mac and I had to work but the hotel was super slow so we got paid time and a half to cook dinner and do nothing. Pretty great! Then on Saturday Mac and I got to skype with Tessa and Klaira and Tim and Sandra. It was good to get to see them and Klaira is getting so big and talking like crazy! Now to story number two...
Sunday morning came along and our church doesn't start until 1:00 so we just lounged around and slept in a little bit. But when I went to go get ready I found that I was spotting quite a bit. Not exactly what I was hoping to see. I instantly started sobbing thinking the worst had happened. I yelled for Mac and he tried to calm me down but I was a little inconsolable. I finally calmed down a little bit and he gave me a blessing before we left for the hospital. By the time we got there I had calmed down and had a good Sabbath headache going for me. Three hours later we had an ultrasound and everything was fine. They did a bunch of measurements and made sure the placenta was still attached and the cervix was still closed and everything checked out. A giant sigh of relief. The good part of all of this was we got to see our baby again. It even waved to us.