Monday, August 1, 2011

Lots of fishing this summer!

So this is Mac's other baby! He was very excited to find such a good deal on a nice boat and as you'll see we've been getting our money's worth out of it!
So funny story about this picture. I am actually the one taking it
and had gone out on the boat in hopes to get
my labor started (not very fun let me tell you!)
It was very choppy that day and everytime
we hit the water I would have a contraction.
But nothing happened that day, two days later,
however...Macey was born, so maybe it did help afterall!

This was after the 3 day fishing trip that Mac planned for while his dad was up visiting. They had horrible weather the whole time and got to see some pretty high seas, like 15 footers! A little scary in a 19 1/2 foot boat! They weren't able to get where they had wanted to go but they still caught some fish!

So you can't see it very well in this picture but Mac has a bad sty on his right eye and its practically swollen shut. Apparently this was better than it was earlier in the trip!

My first fish this year, too bad we cut it up for bait!

Sea lion anyone? There are hundreds of them out on this island! It's pretty neat when you get out there because all you hear are these loud, deep barks and growls.

Saying hello.

Big fat one!

The day's haul...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Macey's overdue welcome!

Well, Macey is almost 3 months old now and I am just getting around to her first post! A little sad, but I guess better late than never right? =] Here's a quick summary of our birth story:
Mac was at work so I was home by myself and started having pretty consistent and painful contractions for about an hour at home. Once Mac got home from work we called the hospital to tell them we were coming and they tried to tell us we didn't have to come in right away, as you'll find out, we were glad we did.
We checked into the hospital at 12:12am and my contractions were about 2 minutes apart. The registration lady couldn't find Mac's wrist band but just sent us up when Mac told her my contractions were getting stronger. When we got up to the labor and delivery they gave me my robe, had me pee, in a cup, weighed me and were in the process of taking my blood pressure when Mac urged the nurse to check me because, for those of you who know me, I have a very high pain tolerance and the most noise I made was a quiet "ouch". So the nurse reluctantly checked me and as her face went red and her eyes got big she urged me not to push until she got back with the doctor. She may as well have told me not to breathe. A few minutes later the doctor came in, checked me, broke my water, I pushed 5 times and at 12:57am Macey Adele Anderson was born. She was 6 lbs 9 oz, 19 1/4 inches long and of course the most perfect baby ever!
We had called both our parents on the way to the hospital to let them know that we were heading in and I think they were a little surprised to get another phone call so soon. The nice thing about having a fast labor is that Macey's head wasn't coned at all and her face really wasn't that swollen. The bad part is that you have to do it all natural and there were a lot of stitches involved. But we are so happy and have been having way too much fun with our pretty little girl!

Best Mother's Day present ever!!

Daddy's little girl.
Going home! Not real happy about it!
All settled in for the ride home.
Made it home and snuggling with daddy.

Macey's first photo shoot!

We had to buy this shirt when we saw it. Mac's mom used to sing "You are my sunshine" to him and now he sings it to Macey.
All dressed up for church. (1 week old)
3 weeks old
Gotta love the big flower bows!
I may be a little mean, but I kinda like crying pictures.
We thought it would be cute to stuff Macey into Mac's boot. Turned out to be a lot harder than we had originally anticipated. But it's cute, minus my hand in the background.

Macey in her/my blessing dress.
Always bright eyed!
So darn cute!
She looks so chubby in this picture!
Again with the crying pictures.
Fell asleep in daddy's chair.

She's so cute when she sleeps.
Playing in her chair Grandma Tubbs bought for her.
Some tummy time and crazy hair.
Hangin out in her pj's. You can see her red hair pretty good in this picture.
My grandma helped her discover her tongue while we were in Utah and now she's always got it out!
Big eyes!
Sorry it was such a long post but it was LONG overdue so I had some catching up to do! She is growing so fast! She's almost 3 months and at our last check up a couple weeks ago she was 10 lbs and 23 inches long. She has discovered her voice and is quite a talker. I love waking up to her cute little coos and fun baby talk. She recognizes who Mac and I are and most of the time a big smile will come across her face when she sees us. I'll try to do better at posting from now on!